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Amelie Plümpe und Alice Hauck

source: Alice Hauck und Amelie Plümpe
source: Alice Hauck und Amelie Plümpe
source: Alice Hauck und Amelie Plümpe

Auswählen / Transportieren / Installieren / Spielen

Alice Hauck and Amelie Plümpe's spatial installations are the product of a modular system that today comprises 50 modules and objects. Hauck and Plümpe use the permanent expansion of the collection of forms to enter ever-changing playgrounds, to build their own landscapes, to appropriate architecture and to shift it. The modules are constructed in such a way that Hauck and Plümpe can move and install them in pairs, as well as crawl, walk, lie, sleep and look with their bodies in them. This is based on Hauck and Plümpe's body size and how much space they need to
to feel comfortable in a closed space.

Info about the artists:
Instagram: hauck_pluempe


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