GET STARTED! Profession Fine Arts - Britta Jonas (HfBK Dresden)

Veranstalter: Career Service | HfBK Dresden

GET STARTED! Profession Fine Arts - Britta Jonas (HfBK Dresden)

Talk in cooperation with the Career Service of the HfBK Dresden and EU4ART

+++ das Gespräch ist auf Englisch +++

International online talk series on life and career of an artist after graduation

Alumni of the HfBK Dresden talk about how their professional life path went on after graduating from the academy. They do not report on what can be considered “successful” artistic careers but rather on common issues that are not so often in the spotlight. How do parenthood and artistic career go together? How to get around as a freelance artist in a system of residencies, grants and bread-and-butter jobs? What role does gender play in the art world? Which skills learned at the academy really proved crucial after graduation? The focus is put on skills learned in the crafts&techniques workshops of the academy. Furthermore, there is space for questions and exchange.

About Britta Jonas

After working in various fields, including costume design for theater and film, restoration and fashion, and training as a stone sculptor, she studied sculpture at the Dresden University of Fine Arts from 1998 to 2003 with Prof. Martin Honert and Prof. Karl-Emanuel Wolff. In 2005 Britta Jonas completed her master student studies with Prof. Martin Honert. Since then she has been working as a visual artist and also devotes herself to the artistic design of various materials.

"With 'bybrittajonas' I dedicate myself to the artistic design of clothing and accessories as well as interiors and home textiles. I design motifs and patterns for various clients and industries and produce silk scarves and silk dresses, as well as pillows and other design elements for interiors.

During the realization in my own studio I often work with the technique of screen printing. Silk is the most important material here. Screen printing is particularly suitable for the production of small, exclusive series. Thus, I produce hand-printed editions of silk scarves or shawls in limited editions, both as free creations in cooperation under the label 'Tuchdruck Jonas & Claußnitzer' and as designs and designs on behalf of customers.

My motifs can also be realized in cooperation with craftsmen or workshops as large-format room decorations or murals made of glass, wood and other materials. I design and execute for individual clients and businesses and am interested in collaborating with fashion and couture professionals as well as interior designers, architects and manufacturers of home textiles or wallpaper."

Link to the online event:

Meeting-ID: 847 2070 6673

Kenncode: 563252