Reading Alt-Right Media – Affect and Gender

Dr. Simon Strick
Reading Alt-Right Media – Affect and Gender

Seminar, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS, 5 places
Wednesdays, 14-15.30 h s.t., starts 17.4.2019, Grunewaldstr. 2-5, room 306

The seminar will look at online cultures associated with the New Right or Alt-Right in Europe and the United States, such as Youtube, Gab, Reddit, 4chan and others. We will discuss how the reactionary right performs gender, what part gender constitutes in their ideologies, and what role the production of affect and emotion plays in their online presences. We will look for artistic, funny, and effective perspectives and responses to these political and cultural actors. Students are free to pursue a project within this seminar, and we will have an overarching project involving the whole class (e.g. a rightwing bestiary). There is some advanced theory to read, so some understanding of “gender” is advantageous. The seminar will be conducted in English (preferred) and/or German, as necessary.

Simon Strick ist Amerikanist, Autor und Theatermacher. Er promovierte zum Konnex von Schmerz, race und Gender. Sein derzeitiges Forschungsprojekt, gefördert von der Volkswagenstiftung, untersucht die affektiven Botschaften und Mechanismen in der Onlinepräsenz identitärer rechter Bewegungen. Er arbeitet außerdem an einer Edition zur amerikanischen Eugenik sowie einem Buch zur Repräsentation geistiger Behinderung im US-Kino bis 1960. Mit Susann Neuenfeldt und Werner Türk leitet er das Berliner Performancekollektiv PKRK.