Exp. (Seminar/Workshop)

Yutaka Makino

Seminar/Workshop, English, 2 SWS, 2 LP
Wednesday, 14-18 h, weekly, 26.10., 2.11., 9.11., 16.11., 23.11., 30.11., 7.12., 14.12.2016,
UNI.K I Studio for Sound Art and Sound Research, Fasanenstr. 1B, room 214
Please write a short motivation letter until 23.10.2016 to yutaka.makino_ @gmail.com.

This seminar introduces basic knowledge in auditory and visual perception through the demonstration and reenactments of a selection of scientific experiments and perceptual phenomena. Besides the basic principles of visual and auditory perception, a number of well-known historical or more recent contemporary scientific experiments and thinking from different disciplines that initiated a change in the understanding of perception will be reenacted and discussed. These disciplines include Phenomenology, Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology, Gestalt Psychology, and Acoustics. In the seminar, the participants will develop collaborative projects that involve experimentation with perception. These projects will be open to the participants' respective backgrounds and help to expand their own practices and ideas through interdisciplinary discourses. The course activities include trips to research facilities, visits from contemporary artists and scientists, readings and in-class presentations. The course encourages the development of collective projects. Works by various artists, architects and philosophers working across visual, audio, spatial media and theory will be explored in presentations, readings and discussions. The reading list includes James Gibson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jonathan Crary, David Marr among others, besides recent papers from scientific journals.  

Activity requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: continuous and active participation, presentation of either a solo or collaborative project.

Yutaka Makino was born in Tochigi, Japan in 1976. He studied Earth Science, Computer Music and Visual Arts in Japan, Europe and the USA. Today he lives and works in Berlin. On the basis of research into areas such as phenomenology, experimental psychology, psycho/acoustics, social sciences and system theory, Makino probes the processes of perception in performances and installation works. His works provide visually and acoustically conditioned environments that make different modes of perception tangible to the perceivers and provoke reflection on the acts of perception. For more information see www.yutakamakino.com.