Friedemann Schad (Krankenhaus Havelhöhe) & Susanne Bauer (UdK Berlin)

Prof. Dr. Susanne Bauer is Professor of Music Therapy at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts. She is a graduate psychologist, music therapist and systemic couple and family therapist. She received her doctorate on the topic of music therapy, emotions, perception and schizophrenia. She is currently working on a treatment concept for therapeutic group music therapy at the Wiegmann Klink of the DRK Kliniken Westend, Clinic for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

Dr. med. Friedemann Schad is Head of the Havelhöhe Oncology Center, Senior Physician Interdisciplinary Oncology and Supportive Medicine, Deputy Medical Director, Managing Director of the Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe.