Anne Berghöfer (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) & Prem Krishnamurthy

Prof. Dr. Anne Berghöfer studied medicine in Berlin followed by residency in psychiatry. Since 2001 she has been senior scientist at the Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and was appointed associate professor in 2022. Her scientific focus is on health services research in psychiatric disorders, innovative mental health care models, health care in rural regions and for disadvantaged population group. She is also coordinator of the Charité Network Arts and Medicine.

Prem Krishnamurthy is a designer, author, and educator. His multifaceted work explores the role of art as an agent of transformation at an individual, collective, and structural level. He received the Cooper Hewitt National Design Award for Communications Design in 2015 and KW Institute for Contemporary Art’s “A Year With…” residency fellowship in 2018. He has curated several large-scale exhibitions including FRONT International 2022: Oh, Gods of Dust and Rainbows. His book-length epistolary essay,On Letters, was published in 2022. He currently direct Wkshps and Department of Transformation.