Luïza Luz

English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Beginn: 8.1.2024, 10 am, HZT, Studio 10, Campus Uferstudios, Uferstraße 23, 13357 Berlin

In this workshop, we’ll engage with the transformative power of listening, storytelling, vocal work, and oral traditions as essential tools to recover narratives of interdependence between humans and more-than-humans. Building upon the intersection of the Planetary crisis, decolonial studies, and sonic art, this program aims to challenge dominant perspectives by prioritizing non-academic ways of learning and embracing postnatural approaches to ecology. Participants will be invited to get in touch with forgotten knowledge(s), both collectively and individually, and express the power of this memory in the present through sound, vibration, and storytelling. The Brasilian artist and composer Marcioz will join us in person.

Luïza Luz (they/them) is a Berlin-based Brasilian artist. Through visual, performative, sonic, and pedagogical narratives their work centers on decay and transformation as integral elements of Earth's regenerative cycles. Committed to disseminating emancipatory knowledge, Luïza Luz critically address systems rooted in destruction while proposing alternative eco-systems for deep listening and Planetary healing. Their research involves intuitive and scientific approaches in the fields of intersectional environmentalism, transdisciplinarity, language, and postnatural studies. As an extension of their artistic research, Luïza Luz teaches the seminar "Planetary Embodiment” at the Berlin University of Arts for students and non-students, while concluding their master's thesis at the Art in Context Institute. Through this course and other projects, they strive to contribute to a broader movement toward structural change, and radical imagination while expanding timelines of care, reparation, and belonging. Website:

Marcioz is a Brasilian artist and composer born in Curitiba. Based in Berlin, he works at the intersection of experimental music, sound art, traditional music, and contemporary music. His projects range from different sounds in South American experimental music to more melodic-musical practices in European pop and concert music. Through his mini-label ‘jovemdeu$’, socio-racial processes of Afro-Brazilian miscegenation, mulatagem, colorismo, as well as decolonization, are sonically discussed. He had multiple different musical projects through labels such as Record Record (Paris), bitbird (Den Haag), and Nurtured Ideas (NY). And his performances include festivals and venues such as Novas Frequencias (Rio de Janeiro), OCMCMM (Yogyakarta), Berghain Kantine (Berlin), and Prinzregententeather (Munich). Website:

Quelle: Luïza Luz
Quelle: Luïza Luz
Quelle: Luïza Luz
Quelle: Luïza Luz