Dr. Işıl Eğrikavuk & Silvia Gioberti (GWK & Architektur)
English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Starts: Monday, January the 8th 2024, 10.15 am in Studio 401 at Hardenberg str.33

Are you interested in the dynamic interplay between the human body and the surrounding environment? Join us for an inspiring workshop week during Kollisionswoche at the University of the Arts, where interdisciplinary boundaries fade away, and creative collisions replace the norm. This workshop is a collaboration between international performance artist Isil Egrikavuk and Silvia Gioberti from the multi-disciplinary Berlin-based collective Guerilla Architects. Together, we will delve into the fascinating world where the body and space intersect, blurring the lines between art, architecture, and performance.
During this immersive workshop week, students from all faculties of the University will have the opportunity to explore urban environments and their relationship with the human body. You will embark on urban explorations, paying close attention to the way your body interacts with various urban environments. Create maps that reflect your personal experiences and connections to the city, investigating how your body leaves traces and impressions in space. Collaborate with the community within the University of the Arts and work together with fellow students to reimagine (public) spaces. Participate in joint projects that challenge conventional notions of architecture and performance. Cultivate an enhanced spatial awareness through a series of movement exercises, site-specific performances, and group discussions. Explore how narratives can be expressed through the interaction of the body with its surroundings, telling stories through gestures, movements, and the spaces you inhabit.
Isil Egrikavuk and Silvia Gioberti bring their extensive experience in performance art, architecture, and community engagement to guide you through this explorative workshop. Their combined expertise will inspire you to think critically about the world around you and to push the boundaries of your creative practice. Together, we will challenge conventions, collide with new creative ideas and perspectives and pave the way for multi-disciplinary artistic expressions.

Işıl Eğrikavuk is a Berlin-based performance artist and academic with an MFA from SAIC. Her work utilizes storytelling, journalism and dialogue-based practices and examines critical themes including protest, feminism, identity politics, nature, and universal interconnectedness through installations, events, and text-based work. She earned her PhD degree in 2021 from Istanbul Bilgi University, with her thesis titled "From A Political Protest To An Art Exhibition: Building Interconnectedness Through Dialogue-Based Art".

Silvia Gioberti studied architecture at Politecnico di Milano and the University of the Arts Berlin. She has co-founded the artist collective Guerilla Architects, which focuses on exploring political, legal, and spatial gray areas through their spatial interventions and socially critical art projects. and works as a freelance art producer. Her collective work questions societal paradigms and explores unconventional use of public space.       

Quelle: The Other Garden, ongoing project by Işıl Eğrikavuk and students
Quelle: The Other Garden, ongoing project by Işıl Eğrikavuk and students
Quelle: mehrinplatzen! GuerillaArchitects ©HAU_DorotheaTuch
Quelle: Hidden Borough / © GuerillaArchitects