Of Time and Light: Shaping Temporal Experiences

Alexandre Saunier
Of Time and Light: Shaping Temporal Experiences

Block seminar, English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Saturday / Sunday, 10-17 h, 25./26.11. and 16./17.12.2023, Fasanenstr. 1B, room 311 (studio)

Registration on Moodle starts 16.10.2023 / Anmeldung auf Moodle beginnt am 16.10.2023: https://moodle.udk-berlin.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=2040
Moodle Enrollment Key / Einschreibeschlüssel: experience

Infosession am 20.10., 17 Uhr: https://udk-berlin.webex.com/udk-berlin/j.php?MTID=m44f49c1e8277884b8ad754b7aa3b7062
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2790 519 7133, Passwort: CBhb3tZDH72

What is the relation between light and temporal perception? Can lighting design affect our experience of time? Can light patterns disrupt our short- and long-term memory?
This year’s theme, amnesia, relates to a deficit in memory in which past and present might come to disappear. It brings to our attention the temporal dimension of lived experiences and the affective potential that resides in the manipulation of time.

We will explore, theoretically and practically, how to approach light as a temporal medium through four thematic avenues: dramaturgy, senses, materials, and machines. We will start from the analysis of key historical artworks that harness the temporal dimension of light (i.e. Ann Veronica Janssens, Thomas Wilfred, Tony Conrad, James Turrell), engage in theoretical and historical discussions (i.e. Peter Weibel, John Geiger, Frank Popper, Dona Stein), and then perform practical light experiments in the spirits of the works studied (e.g. reflection, strobing, oscillation, movement).
This workshop will rely on a research-creation methodology that brings together making, observation, and discussion. Over four days, we will combine art theoretical and historical discussions with hands-on experimentations. The objective is to develop a reflexive practice of light as a temporal medium, a critical reflection on lighting aesthetics, and a basic practical understanding of lighting fixtures and control systems.

Previous experience with lighting and/or multimedia programming is welcome, though not required.

Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credit points: active and regular participation in the course discussions and tasks.

Alexandre Saunier is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher working with light, music, video, sound, autonomous systems, and sensory perception. His domain of investigation lies at the intersection of the media arts, performance, artificial intelligence, and complex system theory. Alexandre’s PhD research investigated light as an artistic medium with autonomous and emergent properties based on real-time computational systems. He holds a master's degree in sound design from the ENS Louis Lumière (Paris), has worked on robotic design and interactive lighting research at the ENS Arts Décoratifs (Paris), and completed a bachelor in mathematics and physics. His artistic work and academic research are regularly presented in international venues such as Mutek Montreal, Elektra BIAN, Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Ars Electronica, ISEA, Impakt Festival, MuffatHalle, Bcn_llum, ALIFE Conference, Media Art History, and Toronto’s Nuit Blanche. More information on www.alexandresaunier.com.