FKK – Team building for a multidisciplinary platform

FKK – Team building for a multidisciplinary platform
by Jean-Philippe Hoffmann & Team

Student initiative, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Thursdays, 17-19:30 h, 12 dates, weekly, starts 26.10.2023, FKK (Wühlischstraße 56, 10245 Berlin)
core activity: working collectively, target: the formative aspect

Registration on Moodle starts 16.10.2023 / Anmeldung auf Moodle beginnt am 16.10.2023:
Moodle Enrollment Key / Einschreibeschlüssel: multidisciplinary

FKK – short for Fakultätsübergreifendes Kooperationskommando, is a newly founded suborganisation of the eponymous link-up space FKK in Friedrichshain and represents the idea of fostering formats ofcollaboration within the university’s milieu. The collective is coupled to the space, therefore the sessions will be held in the same location.
Both organisations pursue ambitions alike; encouraging youthful undertakings in the cultural realm by bridging yet unconnected faculties of UdK, and other art institutions at a later stage.
Together with students and artists of different fields we'll build a team committed to work towards a joint mission while emphasising the climate within the space we create. Our target in this first edition of the seminar is to focus on getting to know each other, by thoughtfully discussing particular work methods and building a fruitful network.
Throughout this weekly Studium Generale seminar, we’ll have a closer look at the university’s facilities, organise open gatherings, also cook together, visit other cultural spaces and perhaps attend one event of our choice.

The seminar is structured into three cyclic phases; research, conception and production. Our research takes place during more intimate sessions and is grounded in the quest of how to build the ideal space for cultural exchange, physically and psychologically. The conception consists in defining the structure and targets of our collective work, the production should allow us to implement open gatherings and contribute to multidisciplinary link-up events with the research we collected.

There is no prior practice required, you should only contribute with your ideas and gain further experience!

Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credit points: active participation for collaborative production in both preparation and implementation phases.