(Re)Discovering the City
Prof. Daniel Belasco Rogers & Prof. Sophia New
(Re)Discovering the City
Thursday, 23.6., 14-20 h, Friday – Sunday, 24.-26.6.2022, each 10-17 h,
Hardenbergstr. 33, room 150
The 4 day intensive workshop looks at the ways in which we can both be inspired by and change our relationship to the city. We will examine artistic strategies such as pyschogeography, Situationism, algorithmic walking and urban intervention. It is a means of (re)considering and (re)discovering a city you may know well or not be so familiar with.
We will be walking, sharing, tracing, map-making, playing and developing strategies to see the city anew. Through set tasks inspired by the work of other artists, we will be working to find modes of being in, reflecting on and performing the city. We intend to offer the workshop in presence if regulations allow but even if we switch to online meetings, we expect that a significant part of the workshop will take place outside, so be prepared for potentially hot, sunny conditions (consider sun protection, hat and water).
Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: Regular, active participation.
The British artists Sophia New and Daniel Belasco Rogers have been based in Berlin since 2001 and working together under the name plan b since 2002. They start a guest professorship at the Studium Generale in Autumn 2020. “Our work crosses the boundaries between visual art, new media, performance, installation and socially engaged practice. It has been shown in festivals, exhibitions, theatres and on the streets of many different cities. We consider what we do to be site specific and relationship specific. Alongside participatory and performative projects we also have developed strategies to share our practice in educational contexts on a number of different courses in Germany and abroad.” More information on https://planbperformance.net.