Open Source Technologies of the Computer and the Body

Daniel Belasco Rogers
Open Source Technologies of the Computer and the Body

Block seminar, English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
2 weekends, 10-17h each day: 13./14.05. and 27./28.05.2023, Hardenbergstr. 33, room 310

Registration on Moodle starts on the 17th of April / Anmeldung auf Moodle beginnt am 17.4.2023:
Moodle Enrollment Key / Einschreibeschlüssel: technology

This workshop is for students who might be curious about open source technology can offer as well as exploring physical techniques that might help us with our bodies when we put them through hours of sitting and computer work. No computer knowledge necessary to join the course.

Depending on the needs of the group, we will look at open source or free and open software for artistic production (Gnu Image Manipulation Program, Inkscape, Audacity etc.) and perhaps experiment with running open source operating systems on our own laptops just to try. We will look at the in-house tools that the UdK has implemented (matrix server, etherpads, cloud storage), talk to the individuals who have implemented them, have our own cryptoparty with crypto-angels and explore some critical writing and views about technology.

Because we all also have physical needs too, even when we are using our phones and computers, we will interject technological exploration with physical techniques taken from Dan's 12 year practice of Taijiquan. We will explore how to bring movement and circulation back into aching necks and frozen shoulders, some self-massage techniques based on acupressure and walking meditation to bring balance to our tech-dominated daily routines.
The workshop participants should come away with some (more) knowledge about open source alternatives to proprietary software like those from Adobe as well as some physical techniques to balance computer use.

Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: Active participation

Daniel Belasco Rogers was born in London in 1966. After completing his degree in Theatre Design in 1989, he worked with the physical and experimental theatre company Reckless Sleepers as co-director, designer and performer until moving to Berlin in 2001. With his partner Sophia New, he established the artist duo plan b in 2002. As a performer and collaborator, he has worked with Forced Entertainment, Gob Squad, Alexandre Achour, She She Pop, Club Real, Juan Dominguéz/Arantxa Martínez and Sabine Zahn. He is currently a guest professor at the Universität der Künste in Berlin.