(Re)Discovering the City

Daniel Belasco Rogers
(Re)Discovering the City

Block seminar, English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
2 weekends, 10-17h each day: 17./18.06. and 24./25.06.2023, Hardenbergstr. 33, room 101

Registration on Moodle starts on the 17th of April / Anmeldung auf Moodle beginnt am 17.4.2023: https://moodle.udk-berlin.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=1847
Moodle Enrollment Key / Einschreibeschlüssel: pyschogeography

The 4 day intensive workshop looks at the ways in which we can both be inspired by and change our relationship to the city. We will examine artistic strategies such as pyschogeography, Situationism, algorithmic walking and urban intervention. We shall also be visiting alternative artistic structures such as Floating University and Haus der Statistik. The workshop is a means of (re)considering and (re)discovering a city you may know well or not be so familiar with.

We will be walking, sharing, tracing, map-making, playing and developing strategies to see the city anew. Through set tasks inspired by the work of other artists, we will be working to find modes of being in, reflecting on and performing the city. As a significant part of the workshop will take place outside, participants should be prepared for working out of doors in summer (sun protection, hat and water necessary).

Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: Active participation

Daniel Belasco Rogers was born in London in 1966. After completing his degree in Theatre Design in 1989, he worked with the physical and experimental theatre company Reckless Sleepers as co-director, designer and performer until moving to Berlin in 2001. With his partner Sophia New, he established the artist duo plan b in 2002. As a performer and collaborator, he has worked with Forced Entertainment, Gob Squad, Alexandre Achour, She She Pop, Club Real, Juan Dominguéz/Arantxa Martínez and Sabine Zahn. He is currently a guest professor at the Universität der Künste in Berlin.