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DESINC LIVE Designing and Learning in the Context of Migration

source: desinc live
source: desinc live

The design of urban spaces and their use by the widest possible range of social groups is an important task for European cities in the context of an increasing pluralization. The challenges of 'integration' of refugees affect several areas, not least education and training. The project "DESINC LIVE - Designing and Learning in the Context of Migration" therefore takes on the task of developing new forms of teaching and learning in connection with the production of integrative urban spaces.

Conceived as an action research project, creative teaching and educational experiments for students of architecture and urban planning are tested in the context of increasing diversification of cities. New perspectives of 'making cities' are to be promoted by means of social awareness and critical thinking and acting. Students of architecture and urban planning with a background of flight as well as civil society initiatives working with displaced persons are involved in the project and reflect their extraordinary "expertise" for the development of new teaching and learning formats.

DESINC LIVE extends over a project period of three years (2019-2021). The first project year is dedicated to staff training, i.e. the reflection of existing teaching formats of the partner institutions and their further development for a new and comprehensive teaching experiment. In the second year of the project, this will be tested with students and learners from all partner institutions in workshops in Milan and Berlin. The teaching experiment will be made available online and continuously adapted in the process. The reflection of the pilot project as well as events for its mediation will take place in the third year of the project.

DESINC LIVE is a cooperation project of the four universities: Politecnico di Milano, ItalyUniversity of the Arts Berlin, KU Leuven, BelgiumThe University of Sheffield/ London Metropolitan University, UK as well as the civil society initiatives Refugees Welcome Italy,Architects without borders (UK) and the association for the promotion of youth culture 'Schlesische 27' in Berlin.

The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership program.

Project website: