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making futures book

source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion
source: Studio Raumproduktion

We are very happy to announce that the Making Futures book is finally out! Thank you to all our contributors and participants that made this possible.

What role might architecture—and the architect—play in the twenty-first century? What possibilities arise when we view architecture as a form of agency rather than as a collection of objects? What spatial dynamics emerge when we turn our practices away from the dictates of the neoliberal era with its obsession with growth and skimming off profit? Since 2018, Making Futures has sought ways to answer these questions through practice-based research across disciplines, institutions, and territories. In schools, workshops, and other educational formats, Making Futures has explored modes of city-making based around diverse forms of knowledge exchange: assembling, constructing, baking, recycling, dancing and more. The Making Futures publication lays outlines the experiences of this action research and the ideas it urges. It proposes a refreshed understanding of architectural practice as a collective process and as a resource.

You can order the book via Spector Books in English or auf Deutsch.

An event for the Making Futures Book launch with many authors and project participants will take place on 16.06.2022, 19:00h at floating university.


272 pp. with 200 illustrations
thread-sewn softcover
Leipzig April, 2022
ISBN: 9783959056250
Width: 24 cm
Length: 33 cm
Language(s): German, English (separate)

Markus Bader, George Kafka, Tatjana Schneider, Rosario Talevi