Experimental Film / Medienkunst
In der Fachklasse "Experimenteller Film / Medienkunst" steht ein experimenteller Ansatz im Umgang mit den Medien Film und Video im Mitttelpunkt. more infos....
The study programme Art and Media is the only course at the UdK Berlin offering networked artistic teaching in the time-based media. Teachers of various subjects collaborate to offer this special study programme, the focus being on interplay between artistic experiment and technical media. By contrast to specialist subject courses, the basic character of the study programme Art and Media is interdisciplinary. The order of studies, for example, prescribes at least one change of subject during the programme. The diversity offered is essential to the identity of the study programme.
Teaching takes place as project work in different subject classes. Artistic training in these classes is characterized by an open atmosphere, and the aim is to encourage the development of new perspectives in regard to artistic authorship and practice.
After their graduation students may have access to a number of professional fields ranging from fine art to diverse media professions. At least four semesters foundation course in a comparable field is required for admission to the programme.
In der Fachklasse "Experimenteller Film / Medienkunst" steht ein experimenteller Ansatz im Umgang mit den Medien Film und Video im Mitttelpunkt. more infos....
Here you will find locations and addresses.
Overview of teachers in the Department of Art and Media.
The UdK Berlin Medienhaus: A house of opportunities. The building at Kleistpark is home to the UdK Berlin’s institutes that focus on cross-media design and time-based media.
Die künstlerische Fachklasse „Narrativer Film” ist eine künstlerische Projektklasse. Die Untersuchung narrativer Verfahren, ihrer Möglichkeiten und Grenzen in den Bildmedien ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Lehre.
Generative art class explores the possibilities of using programming, generative strategies, and interaction in various contexts in artistic projects.
The class seeks to provide an inspiring environment for experimentation with a focus on computational and biological processes in the context of art.
Application information
Art and Media (Meisterschüler*in)
Study and Examination Regulations [in German]
Application periods:
For the summer semester:
Absolvent*in and Meisterschüler*in: 20 December - 20 January
For the winter semester:
Absolvent*in and Meisterschüler*in : 20 May - 20 June
Applications can only be created in the application portal within the deadline.