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Exploring sound fields

source: Jan Netušil
source: Tara Jenkins
source: Jan Netušil
source: Luis Küffner

Exploring Sound Fields - Imaginary Workspace

German-Czech cooperation project and exhibition

On the occasion of the “Czech Year of Music 2024”, a German-Czech cooperation project is starting with students from the UMPRUM Art Academy in Prague and the UdK Berlin in cooperation with the Czech Center and the BHROX bauhaus reuse in Berlin. The transdisciplinary exchange project develops experimental sound compositions and digital visualizations that will be shown in May with an interactive exhibition at the BHROX bauhaus reuse, which will be opened with a joint performance. The project "Exploring Sound Fields - Imaginary Workspace" offers the participants a collaborative platform on which the students can develop and try out innovative artistic practices with analog and digital media on common themes. This is not just about music and visual art, but more generally about the interplay between performativity and sound within the human environment. The questions that the participants ask themselves and seek to answer are in particular: What is music, or less graceful sounds, used for? How do we react to them? Where and in what way do we encounter these forms of sounds and music? A literary metaphor for these qualities of music is provided, for example, by the well-known figure of the "Pied Piper of Hamelin", which illustrates how suggestive sounds can work outside their own artistic sphere. Using the means of performance art, software developments, digital and analogue musical instruments and sound-generating devices, the German and Czech students investigate how we react to sounds and music across political and cultural boundaries and in what - perhaps unconscious - ways these are an essential part of our lives in today's world.


The project is a continuation of "UMPRUM.wav", which was successfully presented at the Milan Design Week in 2023 and subsequently awarded at the Prague Designblok, and is part of the program focus "Performative Practices in Urban Space" at BHROX bauhaus reuse.


Opening: Thursday, May 23, 2024, 7 p.m., vernissage and live performance

Opening hours: May 24 - June 12, 2024, 12:00-20:00 (daily, except Mondays)

Location: BHROX bauhaus reuse, central island (roundabout), Ernst-Reuter-Platz, 10587 Berlin.

The BHROX bauhaus reuse glass pavilion is located on the central central island (roundabout) of Ernst-Reuter-Platz. Access is officially only possible via the Ernst-Reuter-Platz subway station, exit via a pedestrian tunnel towards the central island.

The project is taking place on the occasion of the “Czech Year of Music 2024”, in a collaboration between the UMPRUM - Academy of Art, Design and Architecture in Prague, the UdK Berlin, the BHROX bauhaus reuse and the Czech Center Berlin. The exhibition "Exploring Sound Fields - Imaginary Workspace" shows the results of a semester project and two workshop encounters in Prague and Berlin in student collaboration with students from the Fine Arts department and the Studio for Design and Digital Technologies (both UMPRUM) as well as the Generative Art / Computational Art department at the Institute for Time-Based Media at the UdK Berlin. The exhibition is curated and realized at BHROX bauhaus reuse. BHROX bauhaus reuse is an urban laboratory and transdisciplinary center, founded by zukunftsgeraeusche and funded by the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district, in cooperation with UdK Berlin, TUB Berlin and many other cooperation partners. The project "Exploring Sound Fields - Imaginary Workspace" is co-funded by the German-Czech Future Fund, ATI, UdK, UMPRUM, Ministry of Youth and Education of the Czech Republic and Czech Center Berlin.