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ERASMUS+ 2021-2027

The ERASMUS+ program

With the ERASMUS+ program of the European Commission, students of the UdK Berlin can go abroad for studies or internships.

The focus of the current generation of programmes is on social inclusion, the green and digital transformation, promoting young people's participation in democratic life, and continuing to address the issue of academic recognition.

The European Union's scholarship program promotes student mobility and cooperation between universities in Europe. In addition, it primarily strengthens international skills, personal development and employability of students.

Students have the opportunity to participate in a financially supported exchange for study purposes at a partner university. Funding is only possible if an Erasmus+ agreement already exists between the participating universities.

The UdK has been awarded the "Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027" as part of the ERASMUS+ program. 



OID: E10052772

Erasmus+ partner universities of the UdK Berlin are located in Austria, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Greece, Iceland, Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and Turkey.

At the UdK Berlin, all degree programs participating in the program have their own partnerships. In the overview of all partners you can see which valid partnerships exist for your study program. It is not possible to apply for places in other study programs.

The rights and obligations of Erasmus+ participants are summarized in the Erasmus+ Charter for Students. This is valid for the complete program generation from 2021 to 2027.
The UdK Berlin describes all mobility measures in more detail in the European Policy Statement (EPS).

The ERASMUS+ scholarship offers:

  • waiver of tuition fees at the host university
  • simplified admission procedure at the host university
  • temporary enrollment at the host university
  • financial support for additional costs incurred abroad
  • support in the preparation and implementation of the project abroad by the UdK Berlin and the host university
  • special grants for parents with children, persons with disabilities (>20 GdB), and persons with chronic illnesses
  • special grants for parents
  • special grants for environmentally friendly and sustainable travel
  • special grants for working students
  • special grants for first-time academics
  • improvement of foreign language skills through the OLS online linguistic support for the working language at the host university
  • simplified recognition procedure of academic achievements with the help of the Learning Agreement

How do I apply for ERASMUS+?

StudyAbroad information events:

Every year in November / December we start a new application round with the StudyAbroad events in each degree programme. Exact dates will be published here in October at the latest


Application period:

Annually 1 December to early January for mobilities in the following academic year. The next application deadline is January 2024 for mobility in the academic year 2024/25.

Possible exchange places depending on the degree programme can be found here: Exchange places

Detailed information on the application process can be found here.

After a successful application within the program, nominated students will be contacted by the International Office of the UdK Berlin by mid-February at the latest. In addition, nominated students will be informed about further documents required by the partner university (e.g. language test, transcript of records, copy of passport) as well as the local application deadline by which all documents must be received by the partner university.

You are impatient? All partner universities have information for ERASMUS Incomings on their websites. There you will also find initial information about the further application process.

A nomination does not automatically mean admission to the host university. In most cases, you will go through a simplified admission procedure there, in which a decision will be made about your application.

Depending on the application deadline of the partner university, you can expect an acceptance or rejection between March and July.

Scope of funding

Status: 4 May 2023

The financial support for ERASMUS+ stays of students is based on the different costs of living in the destination countries and is redefined by the DAAD every year. The following funding rates therefore serve as a guide.


Host Country

from WiSe 2023/24*

Goup 1

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

600 € / month

Group 2

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

540 € / month

Group 3

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia, Turkey

490 € / month


Students who receive an ERASMUS+ scholarship can additionally apply for the following Top-Ups. These are subject to verification.


ERASMUS+ - possible additional financial support

"Green Travel"

50 Euro one-time
+ travel allowance for up to 4 days

Social Top-Up
"Students with a disability or chronic illness"

up to 250 Euro / month

Social Top-Up
Students with child(ren)

Social Top-Up
"First-time academics"

Social Top-Up
"Working students"

The criteria catalogue for additional financial support for Social Top-Ups is linked here.
The application for a Green or Social Top-Up (declaration of honour) can be found here. This must be submitted to the International Office with all the necessary supporting documents by 1 July 2023 at the latest! This applies to all mobilities in the academic year 2023/24, including those that do not start until the summer semester 2024.

No supporting documents need to be submitted for the application. However, applicants must keep all supporting documents for 5 years and submit them to the International Office if required.

If no supporting documents are available, the Top-Up must be paid back.


All information is subject to change.
Status: May 2023

Since the budget from the 2022 project is not sufficient to finance all scholarship holders in the academic year 2022/23 to the day, we have decided to use unused funds from the 2021 project for special target groups.

Funding is available for full months and single days, with each month counting 30 days.

The exact funding calculation for 2023/24 is not yet known and depends on the ERASMUS+ budget that the UdK Berlin will receive.

Social Top-Ups

1. Social Top-Up for students with disabilities

Scholarship holders with a degree of disability (GdB) of 20 or more can apply for this Top-Up. By applying for this social Top-Up, you agree to keep proof (e.g. severely disabled ID card) for up to 5 years after mobility and submit it for random checks.
Alternatively, but with greater administrative effort and lead time, a real cost application* can be submitted. Please contact the International Office for this.

2. Social top-up for students with chronic illnesses

Scholarship holders with a chronic illness thatentails additional financial expenses abroad can apply for this Top-Up. Suitable proof of eligibility, e.g. a confirming medical certificate or a confirmation of chronic illness from the health insurance company or family doctor, must be kept for up to 5 years after mobility and submitted for random checks.
Alternatively, but with greater administrative effort and lead time, a real cost application* can be submitted. Please contact the International Office for this.

3. Social top-up for students with child(ren)

However, double sponsorship of a child is excluded. By applying for this social top-up, you undertake to keep proof that the child belongs to you and is travelling with you (e.g. child benefit certificate, birth certificate, train ticket) for 5 years and to submit it in case of random checks
Alternatively, but with greater administrative effort and lead time, a real cost application* can be submitted. Please contact the International Office for this.

4. Social top-up for first-time academics

Scholarship holders whose parents have not acquired an academic degree (university of applied sciences, university, university of cooperative education) recognised in their home country are entitled to apply for this Top-Up. In the case of single parents, this regulation only applies to the respective parent with whom the scholarship holder lives.

The declaration on honour is sufficient proof in advance.

5. Social top-up for working students

Scholarship holders who have had regular contractual employment for a period of at least 6 months prior to commencing their studies abroad, which they cannot continue due to their mobility abroad, even online, can apply for this Top-Up.
Monthly earnings must have been between 450 € - 850 € NET for the 6-month average.
Appropriate evidence such as pay slips, bank statements and employer's confirmation of leave of absence due to the semester abroad, must be kept for 5 years and submitted in case of random checks.

Scholarship holders who are self-employed unfortunately are not eligible to apply.


How do I apply for the "Social Top-Ups"?

The application for the "Social Top-Ups" is made by signing a declaration on honour together with the submission of the application for ERASMUS+ funding (Grant Agreement), but no later than 1 July 2023.

The different Social Top-Ups cannot be combined and accumulated with each other!
However, a combination with Green Travel is possible.

At the current time, the declaration on honour is sufficient as proof of eligibility. However, upon request, you must be able to provide suitable supporting documents. If these are not available, the Top-Up must be paid back.

*Applications for real costs must be submitted in full to the DAAD at least 2 months before the start of the mobility, which will decide on them individually.

Green Top-Up

Promoting environmentally friendly mobility abroad, but also raising awareness of the issues of sustainability and climate change are central aspects of the transversal priority "Sustainability" of the new Erasmus+ programme generation.

ERASMUS+ scholarship holders receive a Green Travel Top-Up of up to €163 for travelling to the host university using environmentally friendly and sustainable means of transport (e.g. train, bus, carpooling, bicycle).
Travelling by ship (e.g. to Iceland) does not count as sustainable for ERASMUS+.

The Green Top-Up consists of a Green Travel flat rate of 50,- € and a maximum of 4 additionally funded travel days (2 days for the outward and 2 days for the return journey). The number of additionally funded travel days results from the distance to the destination and the choice of means of transport. See overview:

Means of transportDistance Calculatoradditional days
On footfrom 31 km2
Bicyclefrom 100 km2
Train / Busfrom 501 km1
1501 km 
1000 km
2000 km

A prerequisite for the Green Top-Up is that at least 50% of the transport route is "sustainably" travelled.


How does the application for "GREEN Top-Up" take place?

By submitting the declaration on honour for Green Travel in due time, you apply for the Top-Up and commit to keeping the travel documents (booking confirmations, boarding cards, tickets, etc.) for 5 years so that they can be presented in case of a spot check or an inspection by the DAAD.

It is mandatory that the application is received BEFORE the mobility. The Top-Up will be instructed after the return with the last scholarship instalment.

At the current point in time, the declaration of honour is sufficient as proof of eligibility. However, upon request, you must be able to provide suitable supporting documents. If it is not possible to provide suitable evidence during an audit, the top-up must be paid back.

Green Travel can be combined with a social Top-Up.

Erasmus+ Documentation

The ERASMUS+ grant will be paid in 2 instalments.
Please note that the first payment will only be made once all the required documents have been submitted and participations have taken place. If the deadlines are not met, we may have to reclaim the scholarship.

Details on the programme conditions can be found in the ERASMUS+ Handbook (in progress) and the Grant Agreement including all annexes. You can obtain the contract documents from the International Office or partly from the Download Centre.

Mandatory documents to be submitted for the payment of the 1st instalment (70% of the scholarship)

1. Current certificate of enrolment at the UdK Berlin (covering the start date of your mobility)
2. Grant Agreement (original)
3. Confirmed Learning Agreement
4. Declaration of honour for Social and Green Top-Up

Mandatory documents to be submitted for the payment of the 2nd instalment (30% of the scholarship)

1. Learning Agreement (before + if applicable during mobility, whenever changes in content have occurred)
2. Transcript of Records
3. Letter of confirmation
4. Participation in the EU Online Survey
5. Personal experience report for the International Office of the UdK Berlin

The Digital Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is an important part of the ERASMUS+ scholarship contract. It bindingly regulates the study project at the host university and the recognition of the work done abroad.

Under the heading ERASMUS WITHOUT PAPERS (EWP), the ERASMUS+ programme will undergo a considerable digitalisation process in the next few years. The digital Learning Agreement was implemented in the winter semester 2023/24.

Instructions on how to work with it, can be found in our dowload center.


Recognition of academic achievements

Since the LISBON CONVENTION, students have the right to recognition of ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE from abroad. This is additionally regulated in the "Landeshochschulgesetz Berlin" and the examination regulations of each degree programme.

Participation in the ERASMUS+ programme obliges the UdK Berlin to recognise credits earned abroad and to integrate them into the course of study. Scholarship holders should not be exempt from this obligation when they go abroad.

You can submit an informal APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION to your degree programme after receiving the Transcript of Records. In addition to the original Transcript of Records, you should enclose the signed Learning Agreement and other relevant documents, papers, portfolios, results or module overviews with the application.

Depending on the degree programme, you will need to contact different offices for the recognition of achievements. In the first instance, you will also receive information from the respective exchange coordinators or from the International Office.


Recognition of achievements at the Faculty of Fine Arts

Recognition of achievements in the Design degree programme

List of module tutors responsible for recognition in the Design degree programme 

Recognition of achievements in the degree programme Architecture - Dates