Workshop: “Knee Games”

Workshop: “Knee Games”

Am 30. Oktober 2010 findet in der Graduiertenschule der Workshop “Knee Games – Exploring physical & site specific game design strategies at Ernst-Reuter-Platz Berlin” mit Eric Zimmerman und Nathalie Pozzi statt. Der Workshop zum Thema Game Design wird von den Stipendiaten Josa Gerhard und Sebastian Quack organisiert. Es sind noch wenige Restplätze verfügbar, Anmeldungen bitte über Thorsten Wiedemann:

Wann: 30. Oktober 2010, 14 bis 18 Uhr
Wo: Graduiertenschule für die Künste und die Wissenschaften, Einsteinufer 43-53, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Räume 203-213
Teilnahmekosten: 25 €
Sprache: Englisch

Weitere Informationen auf Englisch:
When considering body parts fundamental to gaming, the knee is not the first that comes to mind. But it is gaining importance in a number of fields – from body sensing living room platforms, to mobile and location based gaming, to physical and site specific games. Focussing on the shifting relationships of body, social interaction and space, this game design workshop could welcome no better suited guests than Eric Zimmerman and Nathalie Pozzi who, among many other things, have developed a number of large scale physical games such as Cross My Heart + Hope To Die, winning the special jury award at the 2010 Come Out & Play Festival in NYC. And no location would be better suited for Knee Games than Berlin’s Ernst-Reuter-Platz, that was officially known as ‘Knie’ from 1831-1953.

What can participants expect? Eric & Nathalie will kick off the Workshop by giving an introduction to their approach to physical and social gaming. Then, after a warm-up round of brand new street games at Erst-Reuter-Platz designed by Invisible Playground, participants will be challenged with specific game design assignments on site. All workshop activities will focus on hands-on collaborative exercises in which participants play, modify, and create games. Finally, all ideas are collected and discussed with our expert guests.

Eric Zimmerman, game designer, entrepreneur, author, and academic, has been working in the game industry for more than 16 years. He was the co-founder and chief design officer of the game development company Gamelab. His game design work also includes the critically acclaimed SiSSYFiGHT 2000 as well as the PC games Gearheads and The Robot Club. He is the co-author with Katie Salen of Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals.

Nathalie Pozzi is an architect whose projects cross the boundaries of art installation, architecture, and landscape. Trained in Venice, Stockholm and Helsinki, Pozzi explores the classical design of space and light and the elegant use of materials, while also incorporating social and ethnographic elements into her work. Her projects expand the possibilities of architecture from building beautiful structures into a global and cultural act.