Between | You | And | Me

Between | You | And | Me

Between | You | And | Me – multisensory installation by Anke Eckardt receives a Honorary Mention in the “Digital Musics and Sound Art” category of Prix Ars Electronica 2012

BETWEEN | YOU | AND | ME is a wall of sound and light. Like any other wall, it defines an architectural space. Given its ephemeral, dynamic media – ultrasound and beams of light – the wall can be perceived only when the visitor comes close and interacts with it. Two thin membranes of light form a visible frame filled with sound. Multichannel, extremely vectored hypersonic speakers render audible various textures of broken glass: a sound architecture within the wall, comprised of juxtaposed single sound beams, whose constellation changes depending on the visitor’s position. Observed from a distance, the wall fades away: clear transparency and only faintly resonant tones attest to its non-existence.

What is between you and me? When does something arise between you and me? Unlike walls of stone or concrete and intangible barriers of the social, national or political variety, the boundary in this installation can be overcome and played with.

The Big Picture at AEC
Winner AEC 2012
Website Anke Eckardt