Tirdad Zolghadr besucht die Graduiertenschule

Tirdad Zolghadr besucht die Graduiertenschule

Am 7. Februar 2013 besuchte der Kurator und Autor Tirdad Zolghadr im Rahmen eines Jour Fixe die Graduiertenschule. Er fasst seinen Beitrag im Nachgang mit folgendem Abstact zusammen:

“This talk attempts to think through challenges pertaining to artist research in the light of predominant types of discursive formats in the arts. It argues that the premise of indeterminacy, and the fear of closure, predominantly define both research and discussion in the contemporary art field. Drawing on the work of scholars such as Suhail Malik and Beverly Skeggs, and artists such as Chris Evans and Anton Vidokle, among others, the talk argues that, for reasons both political and pedagogical in nature, indeterminacy might be a reasonable point of departure, but that as a best case upshot to a conversation it is hardly satisfying. The talk concludes with some halting, scrupling attempts to propose alternate working premises and aesthetic criteria.”

Wir danken Tirdad Zolghadr für seinen Beitrag, die angeregte Disskusion und bleiben miteinander im Gespräch.