Performance Workshop: Bio-autonomous Farming

Flyer: Petrischalen
Quelle: Flyer

Im Rahmen ihres künstlerischen FWF Forschungsprojekts Zur Performativität des Biofakts und in Kooperation mit der Frauenbeauftragten der UdK lädt Alumna Lucie Strecker die Künstlerin Isabel Burr-Raty mit dem Workshop Bio-autonomous Farming ins BAS ein.

How many kinds of female ejaculations do you know about? In Catastrophic times can a brain orgasm be transformed into a renewable energy source? These are some of the questions that Isabel Burr Raty will explore in joint participation with you during this 2-day workshop.
Isabel Burr Raty, Belgian/Chilean filmmaker and artist, will give an introduction workshop to her practice: the bio-autonomous female farming employed at her Beauty Kit Female Farm. This project is a long duration installation performance, which proposes hybrid narratives inviting participants to play with synthetic magic and queer fixed categories of production understandings. The Beauty Kit Female Farm is also a cognitive-pleasure farm that harvests human female genital fluids and orgasmic electricity to produce beauty bio-products. It functions as a mobile research centre that adapts to site –specific ecosystems of the space it inhabits, recycling and archiving living materials. Producing within a symbiotic niche of synergic mutualism, this farm invites participants from all over the world to become harvesters and experience the benefits of embodying SF in praxis time.

Maximale Anzahl der Teilnehmerinnen: 12

Die Anmeldung erfolgt via Email an:

Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

Wann? Wo?
Samstag, 30. November & Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2019, 15 – 19 Uhr
Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences (BAS) / Graduiertenschule
Raum 203

Einsteinufer 43

10587 Berlin