EINLADUNG: Re:Fusion Crossing the Line


des Seminars „Kollektives Denken“ und „kulturelle Differenz“ in der Kunst(-Produktion)

Crossing the Line

A collective, interactive performance about the question of collective artistic work. What happens when we voluntarily bind ourselves to each other? Do we hinder each other or does this create something new that the individual could never have created. You are invited to observe or participate in the creative, experimental process.
The performance is the result of a Studium Generale seminar on collective thinking led by Marisa Maza.

Performers: Sarah Lee, Minju Yoo, Laila Ava Ohlhoff, Goya Choi, David Salazar Biachi, Leonardo M. T. Voigt, Katharina Rasch, Sofia Vinnichenko

Date: 14.02.23
Time: 17-20 h
UdK Hardenbergstr. 33 / Room 155

Einfach hingehen! Viel Spaß!