Application period ends in
Online Application
The next possible application period, for the winter term 2025/26, is from February 1 - March 1, 2025. Only during these weeks will you be able to access the application form online and apply for the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program.
1. Apply online
Please create an account and apply online via the UdK Online Application Platform. Be aware: the application system can not handle hotmail, outlook or yahoo email addresses - please use different providers.
Register online at the my.udk application platform ( during the application period. (The system cannot handle hotmail, outlook or yahoo email addresses - please use different providers).
On this platform you can see whether your formal application documents have been received, if any are missing and your current applicant status. We strongly advise to agree to the online application system updates via email (during sign on) to be notified about your application stuatus, problems and decision! Otherwise you will have to sign in regulary to check.
After registration you will receive an email with your application number and login data.
The online application consists of two platforms: for all formal documents and for your artistic portfolio. Your login credentials are the same for and
2. Pay the application fee
Applicants are charged a fee of 30 euros for the application procedure including admission to all courses of study at the UdK Berlin. This fee does not apply to teacher training programs in subjects for which the Senate Administration responsible for educational affairs has defined an urgent need for teachers at public schools. Proof of payment of the fee must be submitted with the application documents.
Please include a copy of the relevant bank statement with the value date with your formal application documents (in case of transfer from abroad: deposit receipt). Other proofs (like a transfer order) are not accepted. Money paid cannot be refunded under any circumstances, even if the application is withdrawn or rejected. Your application documents will only be admitted to the application and admission procedures when proof is provided that the fee has been paid in full.
Bank Account:
Kasse der UdK Berlin
Berliner Volksbank
IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
Berliner Volksbank eG
Budapester Straße 35
10787 Berlin
Please indicate the following information in your bank transfer: 35/01036, your full name, your applicant's number,
If transferring money from abroad: Please make sure that your bank transfer includes acceptance of all due costs (OUR – sender pays costs).
3. Compile and combine the following documents for the formal application on into one PDF file (max. 20 MB) (instructions:, video tutorial: * note: no need to print – we are digital only)
Bank statement (in case of transfer from abroad: deposit receipt, other proofs (like a transfer order) are not accepted, pay all applicable transfer fees) documenting payment of the application fee.
Uni-assist e.V. Preliminary Review Documentation (VPD) (if applicable from PHASE I)
Applicants from the People’s Republic of China must obtain a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) in China. Please see the UdK International Applicants Guide for more information.
University reports and certificates (except for TRACK 3 applications)
Proof of linguistic ability. The following proofs are accepted: COE, ALTE, IELTS Academic, Cambridge English Language Assessment: CAE, TOEFL CBT, TOEFL PBT, TOEFL iBT, degree from an English-speaking Bachelor/Master’s program, English as mother tongue (see our website for details)
Curriculum vitae in tabular form (in reverse chronological order: education, professional experience with sound, other professional experience, artistic projects, publications, further information)
Record of professional experience and evidence of relevant professional experience in the field of sound.
Letter of motivation (max. 1 page A4).
Upload these files in a PDF file (max. 20 MB) to your profile on between 1 February - 1 March. The application platform closes automatically on 1 March, 12 AM. Files can be uploaded and/or deleted until the end of this deadline.
4. Compile the following artistic documents for the upload on the portfolio server (instructions here:, pdf tutorial here: Your login credentials are the same for and
- Work samples (no more than 5 samples that altogether sum up to a total length of a max. 20 min, labelled according to the given pattern: surname, first name, title of the work). Possible file formats are PDF (max. 200 MB!) and MP4, MOV, M4V, AIF, AIFF, WAVE, WAV, MP3, JPG, JPEG and PNG (2 GB max. per file).
- List of provided work samples with the following information: title, genre, length of project, year of creation, context, your role in the project, relation of chosen sample to whole project (PDF, max. 200 MB!)
Upload these files to your profile on Bemus ( between 1 February - 1 March. A total of max. 10 files with a total volume of 20 GB may be uploaded. The application platform closes automatically on 1 March, 12 AM. Files can be uploaded and/or deleted until the end of this deadline.
If you have any questions please write us an email at